Publication Organizations

Undergraduate Publications
B-Side, The  
BARE Magazine  
Beet of Berkeley, The 
Berkeley Fiction Review 
Berkeley Forum, The 
Berkeley Poetry Review  
Berkeley Political Review, The  
Berkeley Scientific Journal  
Berkeley Student Journal of Asian Studies  
Bioscientists at Berkeley 
Blue and Gold Yearbook 
Cal Literature & Arts Magazine 
Caliber Magazine 
California Patriot 
Clio's Scroll 
Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal 
Daily Californian, The 
Ecology Law Quarterly 
Eleven: The Undergraduate Journal of Sociology 
Heuristic Squelch, The 
Insight at Berkeley  
Intercollegiate Financial Journal at Berkeley  
International Youth and Students for Social Equality Publications Group  
iSchool Review, The
maganda magazine  
Mechanism of Feeling
Medical Literature Society
Morning Sign Out  
One Prosper at Berkeley
Perspective Magazine  
Pre-Law Society at Berkeley
Public Health Advocate  
qui parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences
Rhetoric Society at Berkeley, The
Roosevelt Institute
Sather Health  
Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Story Workshop
Smart Ass, The  
Spoon University  
The Folio: English Academic Journal 
The Triple Helix: The Journal of Science, Society, and Law  
Threads (Al-Bayan)  
To An Unknown God  
Travel Section, The
Troika: An Undergraduate Journal in Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies  
Undergraduate Journal of Classics at Berkeley 
Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at Berkeley, The  
Words of the Watershed  
Writers Society of Berkeley, The
Zerk Zine, The

More coming soon!