Registration and Funding

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organizations

UC Berkeley student organizations need to register annually with the University through the online CalLink system administered by the LEAD Center.  Once registered, your organization can apply for funding from the undergraduate (ASUC) or graduate (GA) student governments and, in the spring, it can even apply for office or storage space from the ASUC. 

Here is an overview of how to fund your organization and a spreadsheet of all campus funding opportunities.

For Undergraduate Student Organizations
The most common source of funding for student organizations is the ASUC's ABSA, the Annual Budget and Space Allocation Application.  ABSA opens in the early spring, usually in February.  If you miss the ABSA, there are many other ASUC-provided funding opportunities available.  See the spreadsheet linked to above for an overview of all funding and learn more on the ASUC's funding website here.    

For Graduate Student OrganizationsThe most common source of funding for graduate student organizations is, in addition to departmental sponsorship, funding from the GA.  The GA offers multiple funding cycles -- one at the start of each semester.  Learn more here and be sure to check out the GA's funding guide