
What is the Publications and Media Center?

The Publications and Media Center (PMC) is a student-staffed unit in the LEAD Center, which is part of the ASUC Student Union at UC Berkeley.  The PMC receives funding from both the University and the ASUC Publications and Media Board. The PMC is advised by the professional staff person, Jenny McNulty, responsible for student media advising at Cal.  


The Publications and Media Center's mission is to develop and connect the graduate and undergraduate student media community.  We do this by offering support and resources to student media organizations registered with UC Berkeley. Founded in the 1930s, the PMC is home to UC Berkeley's 100+ publications and media student organizations.  We are committed to helping students grow and develop as leaders, editors, writers, filmmakers, journalists, photographers, designers and content creators.


We envision a thriving and connected student media community that is representative of Cal's diversity of thought and experience, and which enriches dialogue on campus and across the globe.


The PMC offer free programs to registered members of Cal's 100+ student publications and media groups.  These programs include Equipment Checkout, Space Reservations, Marketing, Distribution, Design Consulting, and Storage Space. Learn more about how to access these services here.

What is the Publications and Media Board and how is it different from PMC?

The Publications and Media Board grew from the PMC's organizing of a Publications and Media Center Advisory Council in Spring 2016.  In Fall 2016, these students came together to establish the ASUC Publications and Media Board as an ASUC Chartered Program through Senate Resolution 044.  

In contrast with the PMC, which is a unit of a University department, the LEAD Center, and is comprised of hired student staff, the PMB is an autonomous ASUC Chartered Program, which is part of the student government.  The PMB's general membership is comprised of one voting representative from every registered student publication and media organization.  The voting representative is the primary contact listed by the student organization in CalLink.  In addition, the PMB has a Steering Committee comprised of two members appointed by the PMC and three members elected by the student publications and media community.  


Per ASUC Senate Resolution 044, PMB was established to,

"...Provide a community forum for student publications and media organizations on the UC Berkeley campus, to manage ASUC resources dedicated to this community (including funds and space), and to act as a formal advisor to the Publications & Media Center (PMC). The Board advises the PMC on what the community’s needs are so that the PMC may act to support the community through its programming. The Board helps the PMC both assess current programs and guides them in the future direction of initiatives that meet the needs of the community. The Board may also act as an advocate for the needs of the community in dialogue with the ASUC, ASUC Student Union, and with the University as a whole. The Board shall strive to represent the diversity of publications and media groups on campus, large and small, graduate and undergraduate."


  • Offers to the entire student media community its studio, office, and storage space in the ASUC Student Union.  This space is managed by the Publications and Media Center.
  • Can authorize grants from its budget to individual student media organizations.
  • Offers monthly meetings open to the entire student media community.  These meetings are used to advise and provide feedback to the PMC and, occassionally, to the ASUC's Student Organizations Support Office.
  • Co-hosts events with PMC and other groups